The specialist in pipe pieces is They have a wide range of different parts and know exactly how to advise you on the pieces you need for your project. For example, do you need a 5D bend? Then you probably know that you can’t get this everywhere, because it is often produced on demand. It is good to know that at, the 5d bend is always in stock. The ‘5D’ in 5D bend is an indication of the radius of the diameter, which in this case is five times the nominal diameter. The specialists at mainly make products for pipes and pipe bends which are used in the chemical, gas and oil and electricity industries as constructive passages to facilitate the transfer of all kinds of substances, such as water and fuel. The barred tee as a functional tool when piggingAnother important pipe piece for your project is the barred tee. This is a component for your piping system that is functional when pigging. Pigging is the advanced cleaning of your piping system with a mobile cleaning prop. When pigging, you can use both regular tee pieces and barred tee pieces. These tees are used to direct the pig. The bar piece is used to prevent the pig from flowing from the collection line into the branch lines. In other words, knowing the difference between a regular tee and a bar tee is very important if you want to clean your pipes efficiently. Collect all your essential piecesAre you not sure which parts you need for your project? Do not hesitate to call on the experts at and they will advise you on the right 5d bend, the barred tee and other essential parts. You can contact them through the contact information on their website. Don’t stare at the large selection of parts, as it is much quicker to get in touch than to be unsure which parts are the right ones for your piping system. |